Council for Leather Exports, India
Service to Leather & Leather Products Exporters since 1984
The Council for Leather Exports (CLE) is the single largest and Apex trade promotion orgnisation of the strong and rapidly growing Indian leather & leather products industry. CLE is committed towards the overall development of Indian leather sector and achieve higher export growth to enhance India’s share in global leather trade. CLE is functioning under the aegis of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. It is the notified Export Promotion organization for entire leather & leather products industry.

Core Objectives of CLE:
Develop & strengthen the leather industry both industrial development as well as export growth.
Undertake concerted and aggressive export promotion and market development activities to extend global reach of Indian leather & leather products.
Assist importers anywhere in the world towards their sourcing needs of Indian leather & leather products.
Provide necessary assistance/guidance to overseas entrepreneurs in establishing business collaborations and strategic alliances with Indian companies.
Serve as a vital link between the Government and the leather industry, representing important policy measures, focusing on overall health and growth of the entire sector.
Activities and Services of CLE
Disseminating market information, trends, policy matters and publishing information on commercial, technical and technological developments in the Indian leather industry
Facilitating export-import trade through redressal of various procedural hurdles by representing to authorities concerned.
Participating in major international leather trade fairs & specialized trade shows across the globe.
Organizing Buyer-Seller Meets and Mega Leather Shows, B2B meetings in potential markets etc.,
Promoting, facilitating & attracting joint ventures, technical collaborations & strategic alliances, FDIs etc into the Indian leather sector.
Inviting Resource persons / Experts to the trade Fairs, Seminars & Workshops held in India, for exchange of information, knowledge, ideas and strategies.
Mooting Delegations to overseas countries with a view to identify the sources for raw materials for augmenting availability of leather for production in India.
Perform facilitation and Coordination activities towards implementation of various leather sector infrastructure strengthening, Human Resource Development programmes of Government of India.
Facilitate in availing assistance under Integrated Development of Leather Sector (IDLS) for Modernization & Technology up gradation of production units